Welcome to a new kind of Minecraft Experience™

Mine Publica is an experiment to see what happens when you give a bunch of edgelords a minecraft server chock full of realism and engineering-themed mods with nothing more than an online forum and protections mods to govern it.

New Server’s Up

Welp, I finally did it, and as always I learned a fair amount – this time about DNS configuration and docker. Here’s what you need to know: The server is super fast now. We’re rocking 4x as much ram (16gb) and the latest intel i5 core processor on a dedicated local machine. The server now…
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A New Era

As foretold, Mine Publica will be making a shift from remote hosting to a local solution imminently. How imminently is another question. I’ll be taking down the server for at least a week while we making the jump. Bear with us while we weather technical difficulties. The long and short of this is that we’re…
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IP Migration & 2.1.3 Patch Instructions

TL;DR We have a new IP address for the server, as well as our dynmap instance. I’ve released a patch for your game so you can connect to this new address. You can also manually update the address yourself by editing the server link in your multiplayer menu. (But the patch is very small and…
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2.0.0 Update

The Mine Publica 2.0.0 update is officially live! You can grab the patch here. I’m quite happy to have our first official update out. Previous servers have had a tendency to fade into inactivity before ever receiving an update, but through this patch we’ve managed to squish all known bugs, including the few that carried…
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Open For Business

I am pleased to announce that Mine Publica is officially open for registration. After seven years of servers it is sometimes easy to expect the same cycle of server birth and decay, but I expect this one to be different. For starters, we have this swanky new website and a private remote Minecraft server, both…
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Nearing Completion ?

As you can see, we’ve got social media from top to bottom all over this front page, as well as these dandy posts which in theory should allow me to communicate important server news to our user base. Of course this is all a lot of information to swallow at once, and on previous servers…
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The server is up! All of the basic components of the game and mod pack are put together. So far I’ve finished… Tweaking worldgen to create a continental map with biomes O plenty biomes in an ocean world Assembling all of the server and client mods Configs for clients and servers Setting up Spawn So…
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Back on the Grind ?

School inevitably dragged me back away from spending any time on this project after the new year, but now I’m back at it. Figuring out your Summer job/s and getting your academics back in order does wonders for your ability to squander time. I have successfully compiled the mod suite, which I will give more…
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Server Under Construction

Hello everyone – if you’ve been told about this site or have stumbled upon it, you may notice that we have a live feed of the server status on the right side of the front page now. It also notes how many people are on the server at all times. That said, minepublica.info doesn’t refer…
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Hello world!

Welcome to Mine Publica. Simply put, this will be a place to play minecraft, but I plan to make it a great deal more. I’ll be posting updates here on the regular. For now, enjoy the following quality advertisement. Oh, and please note the website is currently under construction. A lot of stuff currently leads…
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